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The new stream

At The new stream, we revolutionize sour strom with our unique, patent-protected Flavor Fish technology. By to using CRISPR technology, we can breed streaming with brand new, exciting flavors like Coca Cola and Cotton Candy. Our fish comes from controlled, clean environments, making it both healthier and more sustainable than traditional flounder caught in the polluted Baltic Sea. We aim to change the acid streaming market by offering a new and innovative experience as combines tradition with modern technology.
Become part of The new stream, TODAY!

Choose between 12 different flavors!

Cotton Candy smakCotton Candy
Coca Cola smakCoca Cola
Surt Äpple smakSour Apple
Chocklad smakchocolate
Pepparkaka smakGingerbread
Root Beer smakRoot beer
Abborre smakPerch
Salt smakSalt
Bark smakBark
Guano smakGuano
Klor smakChlorine
Metamfetamin smakMethamphetamine

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